Coronavirus online scams
From shady auctions, malicious apps, fake websites, phishing emails and malware – the online fallout of the coronavirus pandemic.
From shady auctions, malicious apps, fake websites, phishing emails and malware – the online fallout of the coronavirus pandemic.
We continue last week’s story of Alberto Daniel Hill (@ADanielHill), who was arrested by the Uruguayan police in September 2017 after conducting a spontaneous website security assessment a few years earlier.
He found himself detained and questioned in police custody – but the worst was yet to come…
Tricky Thursday is back and today we are looking at website-focused OSINT.
Here is the first instalment of a remarkable, sad, unbelievable yet true story of a guy I met through the infosec community on Twitter.
Alberto Daniel Hill (@ADanielHill) is a cyber security professional from Uruguay and what he is about to discuss here might disturb you…
Discussing the press coverage of the alleged confiscation of Bitcoin by CAB versus what I think really happened…
Examples of Russian sponsored coronavirus disinformation efforts
How strong and organised is the Irish right wing extremism? Journalists from The Beacon shed some light on the online existence of far right groups in Ireland.
Today I decided to talk to somebody who not only uses OSINT professionally for recruitment, but is also very passionate about digital privacy and security, technology, IT and information security in general. Meet Rose Farrell.
Here’s a list of useful resources for monitoring the coronavirus outbreak, from live maps, dashboards, spreadsheets with stats and FAQs.
How to identify Bitcoin addresses, wallets, transactions, users and their associations